Sunday, October 28, 2007



Irene's got married!

Just went to her ROM party last night. Not very happening... (*_*)

Probably cause I dun know anyone there.

I was so ENVY lor!

The wedding photos, etc.

Hmmm.... Marriage, Such a scary word.

All you need to get yourself officially married, Book a ROM date, get someone to ali alor some sweet forever. Say I do and sign on the piece of paper.
Ta Da!

U're married!



Can U do it?

To marry, it means the following
  1. To be with that person for the rest of your life.
    (Means seeing him every single day, breathing with him and seeing him everyday)
  2. Living with the person's flaws.
    (Enduring his/her temper, farts, burping, snoring, rubbish habits.)
  3. Trying to get along with all his friends.
    (Essential to accommodating him so he will feel happy that you click with his friends)
  4. Trying to get along with his family
    (Essential to accommodating him so he dun feel like the ham in the sandwich)
  5. Sharing your hard earn money for house, car, children etc.
    (U have to make sure he dun scream at you for buying that expensive Gucci bag instead of saving it for the future)
  6. Accommodating to each another by giving and taking
    (Not to be taken advantage of or to take advantage of him)
  7. Working out the differences in each another
    (Compromise and compromise)
  8. And the list goes on.....
    (I wun know, I'm not married.)

Just the above makes me hair stand at the thought of marriage.

But, I'm willingly to live my life with another person.

To be loved and love unconditionally.

It all boils down to finding the right soul mate in your life.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

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