Saturday, October 20, 2007

New Beginning to yet another Chapter of my LIfez

I've finally resigned.
Finally plucked up enough courage to leave my comfort zone.
To leave the environment that I'm so used to.
Mobile trade = Suckie, = Everyday kanna Fark customer, = Confinement in a shop, = Confinement with the same people.
Retail Sales = Shittiest, = Everyday, Hi Can I Help, = Everyday, Troubleshooting of unsolvable software problem.
Assistance Manager = God, = Order Stock, = Kenna scolding by customer, = Kenna screwing by boss, = tons and tons of workload.
NOKIA shop = One Word FARK
To think I stayed in this trade for 4 years.
To think I'm silly enough to think that I'll get somewhere here.
To think that I faithfully serve the same boss.
Finally... All my friends are so happy for me. My family are happy for me.
I finally found a job worth my talent, worth my cert.
CPF ... Office Executive
Truth is, I dun know how's life outside this shop, outside this well that I've confine myself to. I only know how to sell handphones. (-_-)"'
BUT, I'm willing to try. To strive to make a better life.
It may be better or worse. It may be a hundred time worse... But, it's OFFICE HOURS!
Muhahahh, finally I'll get to wear all the nice clothes. All the heels... Go home in time for Dinner with my loved ones. Spend time with my dear bro on Sunday.
It's only a bit of sacrifice to make. Waking early and all. And least, I'm going to have time for myself, for my love ones.
Imagine, in sales line, we work six days week. 11.00 - 9.30.
When I leave home in the morning, I'm forever in a rush. Even I get to talk to my parents, I can afford only 5mins of my time.
When I can home after a day of shit, it's oready 11 past. Who the hell's gonna talk to me! EveryOnes' asleep
My off day? How should I spilt it? My parents? My bro? My friends? My poly buddies? Or MYSELF?
Truth is, I never had enough time for anyone NOT even MYSELF!!
I DESERVE BETTER, my love ones deserve me more.
I've made my choice...
Will U be with me?

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

1 comment:

+*BeWi|DeR*+ said...

My dear sis, i'll be with u no matter wat decision u make... I'll be joinin u soon... Haha...

Love u!