Sunday, September 2, 2007

NOKIA Experience Part 2

Nonsense A

Asst: Hi! Can I help?

Cust: (Continue to stare at the display)

Asst: -_-''' (Maybe, cannot hear, In a louder voice) HI! CAN I HELP?!

Cust: (Turn around, stare at the space behind)

Asst: ?! (Maybe Deaf one) Eeeeee... Hi, looking for anything in particular? Maybe I can offer some help?

Cust: (Giving a super irrated expression) No, Just taking a look.

Nonsense B

Cust: Oi, Oi,

Asst: Huh? Yes? Can I help?

Cust: (Pointing to a particular display) This one how much?

Asst: Sry Sir, this model is no longer in sale.

Cust: No Stock ar?

Asst: Ya. No more liao.

Cust: Then how much?

Asst: Sir, it stop production 6 mths ago. So no more valid pricing liao.

Cust: Then how much was it selling before?

Asst: Eeeee, Sir, Sry. I cannot remember.

Cust: (Giving a pissed face) Roughly lah!

Asst: -_-" Bout $300 bah.

Cust: Siao ar. So expensive. I tot u say no more stock liao!

Asst: (Resignated Tone) U ask how much it was selling before mah.

Cust: Kaoz. Answer liao like never answer like that.

Asst: @#$%^&&^%!@@#

Nonsense C

Cust: Excuse me sister, how much is tis, how much how much?

Asst: Sir tis is $358.

Cust: Show me, show me.

Asst: (opens display cupboard to show)

Cust: Show me, show me

Asst: (shows cust everythin in the display)

Cust: Ur price very expensive how come how come?

Asst: Sir, different place different price la. (after showing for 20 over mins)

Cust: Thank you ar, i think i go Mustafa and buy.

Asst: %#^(%)_++##$$%%

Nonsense D

[over the phone]
Ring, ring...

Asst: Hello, Nokia shop. Can i help?

Cust: Hi, i bought the Nokia N73ME 2 days ago from ur shop. N i have some problems with it.

Asst: Wat issit, Sir?

Cust: My phone the light hor, keep on on leh.

Asst: Hmmm sir, which light issit?

Cust: The light la. The phone light lor.

Asst: (??? blur) Eeeee sir which exact light r u talkin about?

Cust: Aiyo, the light la. The phone light!

Asst: Sir can u pls tell me exactly which light issit? Sensor light? Keypad light? Or?

Cust: (sound pissed,in a u r stupid tone) When u press the keypad, the screen will light up. Tat light la! Do u noe wat i'm talkin bout?

Asst: Ya, sir. I noe. (seek consultant's help) Sir, u try to take out the battery then put in again.

Cust: (after a few secs) I try liao. Cannot. Then oso u noe y my batt so fast use up?

Asst: Sir, ur light on 24/7 cfm will low batt de mah. Tis 1 rite i think u gotta go care centre
refresh ur software liao. Think it will solve the problem.

Cust: (in a loud tone) I JUS buy 2 days AGO, u ask ME GO CARE CENTRE!

Asst: (sick n tired of tis cust, decided make him feel stupid) Sir, u buy the phone 2 days ago doesn't mean the phone is manufactured 2 days ago. U noe?

Cust: (in a he's startin to think he's stupid tone) Oh.... Ya hor.... Ok thx ar.

Asst: (^_^)

Nonsense E

Cust: I ask u hor, my phone hor, the battery dun last one lor.

Asst: Hmmm... What model are u holding?

Cust: I dun know lah. Nokia phone lor.

Asst: Ermmmmm... Can u show me the phone?

Cust: (Looking pissed, digs inside her bag for 5mins). Nah. This model. What model?

Asst: Oh. Miss ar. This model hor, cause it's 3G so it drains it's battery faster. Plus the high color resolution display, thus it's battery standby is about 1 to 2 days.

Cust: Where got like that one? Check for me, check for me!

Asst: (T_T) Miss, if u wanna to check hor, must go to the Care Center (Pass her a list of the service centre's address)

Cust: (In a louder tone) U mean u not NOKIA ar! Cannot check meh.

Asst: Sry Miss, here no technician. How to check?

Cust: Huh? Such a little problem and u cannot help me on it. It's just that the battery dun last.

Asst: Ya, I explain to u liao mah. (Wanna Cry liao)

Cust: Whatever. Where's the Care centre?

Asst: Miss, Suntec, blah, blah, blah

Cust: Write down for me.

Asst: (Can only grin the teeth) Miss, u are holding on to the address list

Cust: Whatever. (Stare at the asst and walk out)

Asst: (Not my fault mah. Why scream at me) @#%^$@!@$**&%$

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

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