Sunday, November 18, 2007



We went for FOOD last nite.

Muhahahha... Shiok Shiok lor.

We got like BBQ StringRay, Mussels, KangKong, Cereal Prawns, BBQ chicken wings, satays!

Wa Lau, I was so full that I can hardly walk.

Pity, We were just too hungry plus greedy. Hehehhe.. By the time, we realise that we should take phots, the food was already half gone liao. (-_-)"

Hehehhe... The food is really shiok!

Jeff drove last nite.

Kaoz, super dangerous driver. My face all green by the time I alight.

Hehhehe... Okie lah, actually not that bad. Still new, so he still can't judge very well.

I win him lor. Muhahahha.

We ended the night with bowling and arcade at Marina South. :)

So funny. Kaoz, I'm the lousiest player lor. I can't bowl. AT ALL!


I have to learn the art of compromising. Can anyone teach me?
Poor Di, I'm such a big bully.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

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