Monday, November 12, 2007



I finally got my Hair Extensions Done!
Now I got like like super super long hair!
My dream length! Muhahaha.

My Front View.
(Stomach Level)

My Back View
(It ends nicely at my waist)

I'm so happy.

But it set me back by $80. But it's still cheap lar. It's like $2 per strand.

Muhahaha. Lucky for me, I have damn little hair. So the hairdresser can only manage to squeeze in 40 strands.

But Hor.

It's damn inconvenience, It's damn long!

So it's like all over my face. And it's super difficult to wash, condition and maintains. (*_*)

And it hurts when I accidentally pulled or tug it. Especially at the scalp area.

Cause it's like, when you try to swept the hair away from your face or try to tucked it at the back of your ears, you will accidentally tug at the extended part. (-_-)"


I will overcome everything!

Muhahahah.. No pain, No gain.

I'm just vain. Hehehe.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

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