Monday, November 26, 2007

Bully of the Century


I'm a big bully.

Poor Fish, tried to challenge my nokia accessories knowledge.

That's when became of him, when he lost the bet with me.


Now He will forever remember that HS-20/AD-41 can be used on NOKIA E65.


Cool Pic Rite?
Heheheh... Taken at Clark Quay's Public toilet.
Muhahahah.. I'm so wu liao.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Sunday, November 18, 2007



We went for FOOD last nite.

Muhahahha... Shiok Shiok lor.

We got like BBQ StringRay, Mussels, KangKong, Cereal Prawns, BBQ chicken wings, satays!

Wa Lau, I was so full that I can hardly walk.

Pity, We were just too hungry plus greedy. Hehehhe.. By the time, we realise that we should take phots, the food was already half gone liao. (-_-)"

Hehehhe... The food is really shiok!

Jeff drove last nite.

Kaoz, super dangerous driver. My face all green by the time I alight.

Hehhehe... Okie lah, actually not that bad. Still new, so he still can't judge very well.

I win him lor. Muhahahha.

We ended the night with bowling and arcade at Marina South. :)

So funny. Kaoz, I'm the lousiest player lor. I can't bowl. AT ALL!


I have to learn the art of compromising. Can anyone teach me?
Poor Di, I'm such a big bully.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Crazed Outing

Outing with the ladies.

Hehehe.. Just some fooling around photos.

(Award Cermony)

(Not very good actors we are)

(Trying to shove my ultra long hair in Chris's mouth)

(YingYi trying her best to act fierce, not too convincing huh?)

(Jeff trying to act atas)

Muhahaha.. We went to Mustafa after the Wine thingy. So funny, They all acted like kids. One busy picking out mushrooms plus eggs, one busy picking up tibits, one busy picking out maggie mee and biscuits, one busy picking up soya bean milk. AND! One busy destroying almost everything, Chocolates, biscuits etc.
End Up

One Full Trolley of stuff. (*_*)"

Miss Xuan trying to steal our stuff. :)

I'll be looking forward to the next outing. :)
P.S. Sry, I was a bit piss that nite at Di, who kept telling me he's tired! (I oready told him, if he's tired, dun come! Come liao kept grumbling, only at me nia) So the next time, it'll be us and the car nia!
I SHALL DRIVE MYSELF! But pls, do me a favour, buy insurance first, put on the safety belt plus bring your N6110 navigator out as well.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, November 12, 2007



I finally got my Hair Extensions Done!
Now I got like like super super long hair!
My dream length! Muhahaha.

My Front View.
(Stomach Level)

My Back View
(It ends nicely at my waist)

I'm so happy.

But it set me back by $80. But it's still cheap lar. It's like $2 per strand.

Muhahaha. Lucky for me, I have damn little hair. So the hairdresser can only manage to squeeze in 40 strands.

But Hor.

It's damn inconvenience, It's damn long!

So it's like all over my face. And it's super difficult to wash, condition and maintains. (*_*)

And it hurts when I accidentally pulled or tug it. Especially at the scalp area.

Cause it's like, when you try to swept the hair away from your face or try to tucked it at the back of your ears, you will accidentally tug at the extended part. (-_-)"


I will overcome everything!

Muhahahah.. No pain, No gain.

I'm just vain. Hehehe.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Picture Personality Test


Just took a picture personality test.

Wonder how they determine it?

Just to share. Do You think it's true?


Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.


You are continually pursuing a simpler and less complicated life - you don't allow yourself to fall victim to all of the "should do's" that society continually bombards you with. You are thoughtful about your life choices and think in terms of yourself, others and the world in which we live. You have a great sense that we are part of something much bigger and we must be good to others, if we want others and the world to be good to us.


You are easily stressed out and overwhelmed - you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Because you tend to be self reflective, you know your limits quite well and must remember to not exceed those limits. When you overwhelm your life with obligations and responsibilities, you tend to shut down and go into yourself even further. Take some time to find your serenity and kick back your feet.

You are a cuddle bug - from a warm hug shared with your best friend to steamy sex with your partner, you enjoy every bit of human contact that you can get. You demonstrate your love for others most fluidly through physical one-on-one contact and you feel the most loved when you are being touched. You feel disconnected when you are physically isolated from others. You're a people person and a lover of all things human.

What say you?

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Nothing much. Photo Updates nia.

Nokia Briefing @ Marriot Hotel

Ladies Nite Out @ HOMEclub

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Miss Procrastinator



It's some stomach virus which attack ur digestive system.

Which... Left me with wobbly legs, a sore ass, and unlimited burping capability.

It's contagious! Fark..

I'm still burping like hell today. (Started yesterday). At least I dun feel like vomiting that much.

Still feel like shitting. At least it stop coming.

Worst part!


Sob, sob..

I kept thinking. "Shit, there goes my clubbing nite which I have been waiting since last week!"

Sucks.. Even if I can go, I can't drink!

I'll be courting my death if I drink..


To Go?

Or Not to Go......


Stupid stomach.....

If only it can stop having the war on it's own.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, November 2, 2007

Sun, Sand and Sea


It was all Sun, Sea and Sun yesterday.

Went to the beach with Xuan. Muhahaha.

We can only consider ourseves lucky cause it didn't rain! Except for a few droplets of rain that lasted less then 10mins, it was the warm, smoothing sun all the way.

Nice place that we went too. KM8 beach bar.

The drinks are within our budget with nice faclities that we can use.

Nice big spacious wooden beds. (It's too small to be called a chair)
Ice cold beer (Heniken submerged in a jug of ice to keep it icy cold)
Wonderful Service (Considering the eye candy that was working there)
Clean toilets (Pity, it was full housed, so we went to the public toilet)

The best part. My wonderful friend. Xuan Xuan.
She's absolutely gorgoues in bikini.
Too bad, I'm not allowed to posted her pics in bikini here.
She'll kill me if I do that.

My and my vain self.

It's so funny, the two of us.
Xuan's kept slattering herself in sun block, while i kept slattering myself with Sun tanning oil.
She's super afraid of the sun lor. Muhahaha.
Actually me too.
We kept appying sun block on our face!
Hehehhe... Ended up...
Me, Slighty tanned plus burnt...
Her, Not tanned at all with patches everywhere! (Muhahah... Must be the uneven sun block she kept smearing herself with)

Issn't this the best way to spend your OFF day? We closed the day with great food at Ajisen. (I was starved) and aimless shopping in town.
That's what I call life. :)

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide