Friday, September 28, 2007

Sob Sob


Fark, Fark...

I'm totally stupid. Totally bRAINLESS!

My beloved phone got stolen again!


This's the 2nd phone I lost this year.


Different place, Different ppl, different timing. But the MO is the same!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Left my beloved sissy 6300 (Entirely covered with crystals that I stuck on one by one) in the counter when this piece of shit called me over. Just to ask me one stupid question. "Any DISCOUNT!?"

The Pink Arrows show where the phone were.

See! Now I'm using PAST TENSE!

Somemore, it's underneath the pile of Pink Papers lor!

The next thing, my phone's gone!


It's still on installment! I still have like 3 more months of installment left and the phone's gone! Stolen!

I shall pray hard everyday, every night.

Dear GOD, please make my 6300 drop inside the toilet bowl!

Seriously speaking, I rather have my phone be spoilt, damage to beyond repair, then let some undeserving, totally dishonest freak have it.

With the condition of my phone, it can easily fetch $200 in the black market. :(

Sucks, Sucks. Sucks big time.

Sob. All thanks to Jeff, if not.... I can't even imagine the amount of inconvenience I will face.

The numbers... Arhhhhh.. All my contacts. Heng lor, i have a copy of my contacts in Jeff's Demo phone.

And He rush down to COM centre to take my SIM card for me.

Haiz.. Stupid me, If I dun always leave the phone anywhere. If I'm not that STUPID!


See, now I earned myself a new nickname. Miss LULURIS! -_-"'

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, September 21, 2007



Gez... Been playing around with photoshop recently.

Hahahah.. Check out the wonders it can do!


Sooooo Dark.......


I seriously admit that I still got lotas to learn... :)

Ta Da....
The Art that I'm most please with.
Cause by right the photo damn obscene! One look and U will be able to see my bra so damn clearly.
Lesson Learnt: Never wear a light Pink Bra under knitted tops. -_-"'
See, After the touch up... It's still visible, I know. But that's the best I can do. Hehehe..
I'm very very new to PhotoShop. (Maybe I should look for XiaXue) Hahahhaha...
Talking bout XiaXue,
I finally chanced upon her blog.
K, I admit, I'm damn Sua ku. I heard bout her years back. But I just cannot be bothered. Hahahha.
Very Interesting Blog she have, and very sharp mouth as well.
CheerOs... That's all..

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Check out the Crab!

This is just part of the food that we have enjoyed....

Jealous Right!

Just to List a bit of Our Menu
  1. Prawny Prawns In MarTell
  2. Crabbie Crab
  3. Satay Satay
  4. Otah Otah
  5. Chilli Dogs
  6. Spicy Porkie Pork Chop
  7. Honey Glazed Wings
  8. And Mani More....


As Usual, The Ladies.....

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, September 14, 2007

Miss Tooth Aching


I can't believe how bad my bloody tooth have progressed.




Fark tooth, it's killing me. All thanks to this bloody tooth. First I started eating using just my right side for 1 week.

Now, due to the over usage of my right side jaw. My right side teeth are starting to hurt as well! OMG!


Due to my farking working hours, I'm not able to see a dentist!


Finally drag myself outta of bed at 8.45 today to see the damn dentist.

First, I have to deal with the fuck receptionise who talks as if she owns the clinic. (That'll be another day)
Then I have to wait for the bloody dentist who were late for 45mins!

Gez.... Felt like a idiot. Ended up, I didn't even bother to reply any of the questions that the bitch asked. Except for the occassational Hmmm and Ar.

Finally after waiting for like an entertity, it's my turn. (I cannot afford to lose any time, I gotta open the damn shop. My dear sister took a MC! ) Just how bad can it be right. It's only 2.5hours since I woke up.

Arghhhhhhhh.. After all the poking and knocking on my really bad tooth, the dentist cleared his throat and declared, "There's nothing I can do for U today, ur tooth's really bad. I gotta do a root cannal for u."

The best part, it's gonna cost me $350!

Fark, Fark, Fark! CCB!

And, I gotta come back another day. it's gonna take at least 1hr to fix it.

Sob Sob.. Now I'm really crying... $350! WTF. Nothing he said really matter to me after that.

The only thought I had was, "Shit, gonna wait till pay day. WTF"

After surviving on milo for 2 days, I gotta do it for another 2 weeks!

Just how bad can life be.... JUST BECOS OF A BLOODY TOOTH!

Okie... The only consolation that I had for myself was.. Gez... At least I'll be on diet and get to lose some weight..

See! I'm still trying to make light outta of the situation. -_-'''

Liquid diet!
Fark.. I'll always be hungry and moody.
And the last time I tried this, I landed in the hospital for 3 days due to gastric pain.

See.. I dun really have much of a choice do I?

My bloody mouth aches too much for me to eat properly.
I take at least 1 hour to finish half a meal. (And it's like semi-solid food lor!)
I can never finish eating cause my jaw feel like it's gottas break off.
So I only managed a miserable few mouths.

I give up. pass me the MILO please.

I guess I'll write in and ask MILO to sponsor me.

Wahhhhh...... Sob Sob...

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Thursday, September 13, 2007

School Themed Chalet

As promised...

Chio? Hahahah...

The Sweet 16 Look.. Courtesy of Alson.

(For the Uniform)

As Usual... My dear sis...

She really got the School girl face lor!

Can u imagine the look of disbelief in those ppl face while both of us walked towards the chalet fully claded in the school uniform smoking away? ^^

Di, the guy who treat me like a Princess....

(He made me felt the warmth of being loved, Pity, pity, pity..... )

And his Car... Which I always drove around in. :) It's a mafia wish orh... Dun play play..

Around, the ladies.. Shit, I look like a repeat student.

Got Forced to take picture with him.

Boss say one. "Still friends mah, must talk mah, Come, come, take a photo together"

I was like, Eeeeeee. "Okie mah, we are still friends ar. See.. (So we took the photo together.) I so fake.

Followed by, "Hey! How are you ar! Good?"

Before He could replied, I just turned and walked away.

Sweet Revenge.

At least I'm living life better now that he left.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

School Themed Chalet


Another Bday's party. . . Tonight there's gonna be a chalet. Step and Karena.

Hmmm... Although I have known Step for like at least 4 years. (We've been in the same company since then. 3Gmobile, MobileE, 3Mobile) -_-"

But till now, I never really like her. Hmmm.... Correction, I have never liked her at all.'

Neither do her.


Karena... Hmmm, dun really know her, although we were colleagues. But since coming to Vivo, we manage to talk more.

Cute Girl. At least she's not a backstabber. At least she's not a hypocrite.

So.... Same Bday, 2 different girls, 2 different treatment from me. Got a nice little make up pouch for karena. Ermmm... a sub' present for Step nia.

Hmmmmm...... Wat to do.......

Will upload some photos after tonight. (-,*)

Check out k!

PS. Sorry Dar, I can't get off on Friday to go and support you.....
Jia You k!
Love u to pieces.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Saturday, September 8, 2007

NOKIA Shit Part 2

Scene 1 Act 1

Asst: Hi, Can I help?

Cust: GPS Module? U have it?

Asst: Yup, Sir, here it is... (Show Ctr to display panel)

Cust: Wah! So expensive ar?

Asst: Ermmm... Ya.. (Smile weakly)

Cust: How it works huh?

Asst: By bluetooth Sir.

Cust: How? How?

Asst explains

Cust: Must pay money one rite?

Asst: No Sir, GPS is free, U pay for the maps that u wanna download.

Cust: Points at Asst's breast. (The NOKIA logo on her T-shirt) No lor, Another Nokia person say must pay.

Asst: (Pissed by customer) No Sir, we tried. It's free. We didn't incur any data charge.

Cust: (Move to next to the asst) I wanna try first.

Asst: No Sir, Sorry. Not charged up, cannot try, plus it's indoor. It wun work. (His bloody mouth skinks big time*faints*)

Cust: (In a loud tone, pointing to another staff) He says can one.

Asst: (Bo Pian, must honour) Okie. But it wun wun.

Asst trys fixed in the battery.

Cust: Wrong Side! Wrong Side! U dun know how is it?!

Asst looks up, stare at cust and continue to put in the battery.
(It's not the wrong side. It's correct, it's that idiot who dun know, try to act he knows)
pair up for him and allow him to try.

Cust: Ai Yo, cannot leh. Why? Why it says GPS not avaliable?! (Stands so close to Asst, till Asst backs down to the wall)

Asst felt the super strong urge to puck now. His mouths stinks big Time and Asst can feel his breath down her neck

Asst: (Looking at him as thought he's stupid) Sir! It's INDOOR! Cannot detect GPS satelite signal?

Cust: (Super Pai Say) Like that ar... NVM lor. Ppl tell me other place say at only half ur price.

Walks away.

Asst: (Mutters under her breath) Fucker. Ti Go Pak.

Asst #$%^&**% , unable to carry on smiling, walks out for a smoke to cool herself down....

(If one day I die of Cancer, it will be all these bloody idiots, fuckers' fault. WHAT"S THEIR PROBLEM!)

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Puppy Love


I can't believe this ! My little brother is actually dating a girl!

Gez... Y do kids nowadays grow up so fast????

Ermm... Bro, dun siao siao hor! Underage k!

Love u to pieces.....

Ur Dear Sis....

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Sunday, September 2, 2007

NOKIA Experience Part 2

Nonsense A

Asst: Hi! Can I help?

Cust: (Continue to stare at the display)

Asst: -_-''' (Maybe, cannot hear, In a louder voice) HI! CAN I HELP?!

Cust: (Turn around, stare at the space behind)

Asst: ?! (Maybe Deaf one) Eeeeee... Hi, looking for anything in particular? Maybe I can offer some help?

Cust: (Giving a super irrated expression) No, Just taking a look.

Nonsense B

Cust: Oi, Oi,

Asst: Huh? Yes? Can I help?

Cust: (Pointing to a particular display) This one how much?

Asst: Sry Sir, this model is no longer in sale.

Cust: No Stock ar?

Asst: Ya. No more liao.

Cust: Then how much?

Asst: Sir, it stop production 6 mths ago. So no more valid pricing liao.

Cust: Then how much was it selling before?

Asst: Eeeee, Sir, Sry. I cannot remember.

Cust: (Giving a pissed face) Roughly lah!

Asst: -_-" Bout $300 bah.

Cust: Siao ar. So expensive. I tot u say no more stock liao!

Asst: (Resignated Tone) U ask how much it was selling before mah.

Cust: Kaoz. Answer liao like never answer like that.

Asst: @#$%^&&^%!@@#

Nonsense C

Cust: Excuse me sister, how much is tis, how much how much?

Asst: Sir tis is $358.

Cust: Show me, show me.

Asst: (opens display cupboard to show)

Cust: Show me, show me

Asst: (shows cust everythin in the display)

Cust: Ur price very expensive how come how come?

Asst: Sir, different place different price la. (after showing for 20 over mins)

Cust: Thank you ar, i think i go Mustafa and buy.

Asst: %#^(%)_++##$$%%

Nonsense D

[over the phone]
Ring, ring...

Asst: Hello, Nokia shop. Can i help?

Cust: Hi, i bought the Nokia N73ME 2 days ago from ur shop. N i have some problems with it.

Asst: Wat issit, Sir?

Cust: My phone the light hor, keep on on leh.

Asst: Hmmm sir, which light issit?

Cust: The light la. The phone light lor.

Asst: (??? blur) Eeeee sir which exact light r u talkin about?

Cust: Aiyo, the light la. The phone light!

Asst: Sir can u pls tell me exactly which light issit? Sensor light? Keypad light? Or?

Cust: (sound pissed,in a u r stupid tone) When u press the keypad, the screen will light up. Tat light la! Do u noe wat i'm talkin bout?

Asst: Ya, sir. I noe. (seek consultant's help) Sir, u try to take out the battery then put in again.

Cust: (after a few secs) I try liao. Cannot. Then oso u noe y my batt so fast use up?

Asst: Sir, ur light on 24/7 cfm will low batt de mah. Tis 1 rite i think u gotta go care centre
refresh ur software liao. Think it will solve the problem.

Cust: (in a loud tone) I JUS buy 2 days AGO, u ask ME GO CARE CENTRE!

Asst: (sick n tired of tis cust, decided make him feel stupid) Sir, u buy the phone 2 days ago doesn't mean the phone is manufactured 2 days ago. U noe?

Cust: (in a he's startin to think he's stupid tone) Oh.... Ya hor.... Ok thx ar.

Asst: (^_^)

Nonsense E

Cust: I ask u hor, my phone hor, the battery dun last one lor.

Asst: Hmmm... What model are u holding?

Cust: I dun know lah. Nokia phone lor.

Asst: Ermmmmm... Can u show me the phone?

Cust: (Looking pissed, digs inside her bag for 5mins). Nah. This model. What model?

Asst: Oh. Miss ar. This model hor, cause it's 3G so it drains it's battery faster. Plus the high color resolution display, thus it's battery standby is about 1 to 2 days.

Cust: Where got like that one? Check for me, check for me!

Asst: (T_T) Miss, if u wanna to check hor, must go to the Care Center (Pass her a list of the service centre's address)

Cust: (In a louder tone) U mean u not NOKIA ar! Cannot check meh.

Asst: Sry Miss, here no technician. How to check?

Cust: Huh? Such a little problem and u cannot help me on it. It's just that the battery dun last.

Asst: Ya, I explain to u liao mah. (Wanna Cry liao)

Cust: Whatever. Where's the Care centre?

Asst: Miss, Suntec, blah, blah, blah

Cust: Write down for me.

Asst: (Can only grin the teeth) Miss, u are holding on to the address list

Cust: Whatever. (Stare at the asst and walk out)

Asst: (Not my fault mah. Why scream at me) @#%^$@!@$**&%$

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide