Monday, May 21, 2007

Hectic Weekend

It's supposely to be a relaxing weekend, shopping, going to the spa. Destressing my mind and rejunvenating my body.

How wrong was I!

Ah Bish.. Going out with the Menel ladies are the most stressful thing that one can go through.

I spend the whole weekend in a daze, trying to chase up with them.

  1. Friday Nite

    Metro Sale @ Expo

    By the time, we finished our weekly meeting, it was already 7.30pm. So we rushed there without dinner, walking non stop for the next 4 hours. They ended up with big bags, small bags and a empty purse.
    Me? I only managed to get 3 bedsheets. I can't believe them, how do they find so many things to buy. By the end of the 1st hour, I was already seeing stars everywhere.

    Dinner @Hougang 401

    Dinner? I call that supper. I'm so famished that I cleared ever single bit of under average Hokkien Mee.

    Chilling out session @ Pungol Park

    I'm too dazed to engage in any conversation. So I was just floating in and out of their topics. The ladies, they are still as hyper as they were at the sales.

  2. Sunday @ Batam

    Miserable Morning @ 6.45am

    I was rudely awaken from my sweet dreams by my ringing tone. "Good MORNING Iris! Wake up, wake up. You are going to be LATE!" Courtesy of Miss Brenda.

    Froggy Trip @ 7.15am

    Half walk, half dragged myself to Harbour Front.

    Breakfast @ 8.05am

    MacDonald Breakfast with my eyes half opened, before I can registered the smell of my hotcakes, they are preparing to leave to get some shopping done! OMG! So i gobbled down my breakfast, drag all the way on my cigarettes, and started my chase after them again.

    Shopping @ 8.45am

    Wastons???? Yes, Wastons shopping. -_-''

    Journey to Batam @ 9.30am

    We kinda rushed into the ferry, squeezing and pushing. I though we already have the tickets?!
    The start of the journey, (*_*) that's about how i looked like during the next 2 hours.

    Batam @ 11.00am

    Finally. Land! The rush again to clear the immgrations. The start of War.

    Spa @ 11.45am

    Ahhhh.. Just when I thought I can finally relax. Conversation was once again flowly freely through the partitions of walls.

    - Body Scrub. (Threating to scrub off my skin)
    - Shower (Where's the soap?)
    - Steam Bath (In a wooden box with only your head sticking out)
    - Massage (Ow, hmmmm, Ahhhh)
    - Milk Spa (Covered entirely in milk, left to dry like salted fish)
    - Milk Bath (Bath Tub Pleasure)
    - Shower (Oh, so the milky looking staff in the bowl is soap!)
    - Tea (Ginger tea so choking, I gave up)
    - Hair Treatment (Got my hair pulled and tug and steamed and blowed)

    Shopping @ 2.30pm

    -_-''' The war starts again. This round, we were in the supermarket, calculating the differences down to the very cent. We filled the shopping trolley to the very brimed. Sanitary pads, toothbrush, chilli sauce, lotions, titbits, air freshner.

    Dinner @ 5.30pm

    A&W. Hmmm, taste funny

    Ferry @ 6.30pm

    We rushed all the way to catch a early ride back to Singapore.
    KO. I lost conciouness in the ferry. Fall asleep in 3seconds.

    Singapore @ 8.30pm

    Home sweet Home. Ahhhhhhh... Vivo Shopping! OMG! I dead beat, once again, I was in a dazed, following blindly behind.

    Supper @ 10.00pm

    Teochew Mauy at SA4. Hmmm.. Shiok shiok. Piping hot porridge.

    Ice @ 10.30pm

    Drinking session. Ai yo. I can't hardly keep my eyes open. For the next 4 hours, the only thing I did was to try to keep myself awake.

    Home Sweet Home @ 3.00am

    Finally I'm home. Rushed through my shower and bah! KO in 3 seconds flat. The only thing going though my mind at the moment - I finally can rest. :)

There goes my weekend. Come Morning, I still as tired as I was.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

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