Wednesday, June 20, 2007



I hate loan-sharks!

And I hate people who borrow for loan-sharks a hundred times more.

I cannot understand their foolishness to go to that extend. I really can't. Maybe they do have their reasons for doing that, but have they ever think of the consequences before engaging themselves in a never winning battle. They will never be able to clear their debts.

I despise those, especially those who give phony address. F**K.. Do they know how much distress they caused to the innocence. Have they ever thought of these. Only the most selfish and self centered people will do this.

Poor us, If I ever found out who is the f**ker who did that, I'll personally beat him up into a pulp. 24 years into my life, 22 years living in my home, The safest place in the entire world, in the entire universe, now a target for sharks.

Sucks, I'll really kill the person if I ever found him.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

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