Tuesday, January 1, 2008

HaPPy NeW YeaR


Muhahahah.. I'm back, I back, I'm back...

Sorry for the lapse. Heheheh...

Was struggling to adapt to my NEW life. ('',)

And... The Best Part.. I'm into my new life. (",)

*Warning* Super Long Blog *Warning*

Part 1: My new Job

YaY... I have gotten used to my new life.
Meaning I can wake up daily at 6.30am (Okie, I admit, I do lazed a while.)
Have breakfast daily with my Dear before going to work.

Time flies at work. 8.30am, turn on the PC, get to the pantry to wash my cups, fill some water, get a cup of coffee... And, there starts the day.
More Emails,
And More EMAILS......

Then, Ta Da.. Lunch Tme. :)

I'm never short of people to have lunch with. My buddie always make sure that I have companies. And I'm okie with everybody. :)

Back to work at lunch, and back to the routine again. :)

And again, Ta Da... Knock off time.

Of course, it's inclusive of my breaks, smoke breaks I mean. Used to do it alone in the earlier part.
Now, I have company most of the time. Muhahahaha.. And they were saying, "It's all your fault, we never have a culture, now... Haiz"
See, having a break is important, It allow us to concentrate better after that. (",)

Muhahahahha... after work, It's always a mad rush to get to the MRT.
And believe me when I say it's like sardines in a can. Suckies one lor. And I'm never good with it. Gez.......

Part 2, My Part Time Job.
Gez.... Kids, they are the most horrible things on this earth.
Everytime after my 2 hours session, I'm left with a headache and sore throat. (*_*)

I'm tutoring 2 kids at one go. A Primary 3 Jie Jie and a Primary 1 Di Di.
Jie Jie's very smart, fast learner. teaching her is a breeze.
Di Di's a slow learner, very shy. teaching him almost used up all my blood.

Worst Part, it;s so hard to make sure that I give equal attention to both kids. (*_*)
But I have to.
I must be fair right?

But anyway they are cute.
And they have a little 2 yr old DiDi. Ahhhhhhhh...
OMG, there's where the problem comes in mainly.
He's so sticky.. And kids, U know them, they wanna join in the fun. So the little boy is always there. Ai Yo Yo.........
But he's cute lah. I have to admit that I do have a soft spots for kids.

Part 3, My Love Life.
I'm doing good. :)
Di's super good to me. Like really super good.
take this for a instance, He went to Malacca with his family today. But I never go. (The time of the month, and It's suckie)
He actually woke up earlier, rush to go get me a pack of Wanton Mee.
Left it in the kitchen before he leaves for Malacca.
Just so that I have food when I wake up. Just so that I will not be hungry. :)
Where am I gonna find another guy like that.

he actually bought me a diamond braclet for Christmas. And it's freaking expensive!
But... I want the Guggi bag.
But, I still love the present. Thers's 12 diamonds on it. :)

Part 4, ChristMas.

Spend christmas with the ladies, my little brother and Jeff BBQing at Di's garage.
It was fun, really.
Lots of food. Mummy prepared the pork chop and chicken chop for us. (Thanks Mummy)
And of course drinks. Dear dear sponsor the Chivas for us. :) I sponsor the champange and rose wine.
And games, Monopoly and cards games.
Hahahha.. It was fun, poor Jeff, vomitted AGAIN!
Kaoz. He really can't drink for nothing.

And the best part. Pai kia aka Ah Lee bought lots of spray cans and I dun know what's that. It's a big thing with lots of papers and ribbons in it. And it makes a big POP sound when exploded.
It's so so so pretty.
We had a crazed time, spraying each another mad. LOL. Like kids lor. Chasing around and laughing around. (Inclusives of screams generated from the ladies)

My little brother stayed all the way till 4.00am with us. Heheheh.. I so evil, I let him taste how beer and chivas is like. Muhahahhaha.

It was fun. To have this once in a while.
A group of close friends having fun than squeezing my insides out in some clubs or town.

Part 5, My presents.

Aside from Dear's Diamond present,
Chris gotten me a Anna Sui Eyeshadow. :) Pretty Pretty colors.
Jeff gotten me a cigarette box. :) Just Nice, my LV ones gonna spoil soon.
Xuan gotten me a pen holder from Precious Moment and a pair of earings. :) Pretty Pretty it's oready in my office. :)
Yi gotten me a Clinic EyeShawdow. Pretty Pretty Pink shimmering color.
And Bro, he got me a GAP bag. :) Nice black one whicj I can bring to work. (Hehehhe, but I'm keeping it for Chinese New Year)

Ta Da.. There's all...


  1. Get Healthier, inclusive of more exercise, more water, more veggies, less drinks.
  2. Try to smoke less. (I know quitting's almost impossible, so let's not make big promises)
  3. Save more money, I wanna have lots of savings to fall on.
  4. Be home more for my parents, nothings better than that.
  5. Work harder in life and play harder.
  6. Keep in touch with all my friends, what's life without friends around you.
  7. Give more, take less. (Can't keep bullying)
  8. Be more observant and talk less, listen more


(^^) Let's have a good year in 2008. :)

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.