Saturday, December 8, 2007



Finally it's Sat.


1st week of work lor.

Bish.. I tell U, I'm starting to feel the heat of the work.
Kaoz, everyday, there's nothing but deadline, everything oso urgent, everything oso must record down.

Billions of policys to memorise. Worse, everything is said in short form. Thus, the end result... I'm always the one with the HUH face. (U know, I have this Bimbi look when I dun know wat u r talking bout. Big eyes, confused look. Fark. I really feel like a bimbo.)


Generally, work enviroment is okie. My Team Mates are all okie one. Still early, not to be comfirm yet.


I'm always dead tired after work too!
Mahahaha. 8.30am - 6.00pm....
I ended up half dead. I can't believe I wake up so early everyday.

It must be my luck to met Di. He sends me to work every morning. Plus breakfast. :)
how else can U define good?!

Yo.. I was suppose to meet Xuan last nite one, but hor.... Bish. Di says wanna go JB, then I bo pian. Rejected Xuan.

Ended up, I went home after work, ate, rest , and FALL ASLEEP!

The end results... I just woke up 2hours ago.

And to think I was suppose to be waiting for him. he called me bout 10plus, but think I gave him a too groggy answer, so he LEFT me ALONE to SLEEP!

Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG. Where's my social life?!

:) Best Regards! Muhahaha...

Christmas shopping later......

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide