Got my acceptance letter from SIM!
RMIT - Business managemnt.
Gez... $18,000... Just imagine how fucking broke I will be...... Oh my HOLY!
I'm persistant, like really......... kinda like an insect, like a bug... like.... I dun know
I'm bored... I'm starting my random talking... Will someone just ask me out???????
I need a drink...... I dun even mind a can of beer somewhere!
I'm seriously having spider web all over my musky brain..........
Ardhhhhhhhhh... I can't believe this! OMG! I'm nuts... I'm Miss almond nuts, Cashew nuts, peanuts........
Bish... thereI go again... random mumblings......
Would you rather spend the next 3 years looking for a Mr Right, or would you spend the next 3 years being with Mr Not Wrong..... creating a life of your own... The world of 2......
Done... I give up... I just can't get my thoughts in line to write properly.......
And my lab top crashes on me... SOb Sob.......... $$$$$ AGAIN!
I shall offically declare: I'm Mdm no money, no life........ Gosh... Or call me Mdm Nuts if you like......
Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide