Sunday, October 28, 2007



Irene's got married!

Just went to her ROM party last night. Not very happening... (*_*)

Probably cause I dun know anyone there.

I was so ENVY lor!

The wedding photos, etc.

Hmmm.... Marriage, Such a scary word.

All you need to get yourself officially married, Book a ROM date, get someone to ali alor some sweet forever. Say I do and sign on the piece of paper.
Ta Da!

U're married!



Can U do it?

To marry, it means the following
  1. To be with that person for the rest of your life.
    (Means seeing him every single day, breathing with him and seeing him everyday)
  2. Living with the person's flaws.
    (Enduring his/her temper, farts, burping, snoring, rubbish habits.)
  3. Trying to get along with all his friends.
    (Essential to accommodating him so he will feel happy that you click with his friends)
  4. Trying to get along with his family
    (Essential to accommodating him so he dun feel like the ham in the sandwich)
  5. Sharing your hard earn money for house, car, children etc.
    (U have to make sure he dun scream at you for buying that expensive Gucci bag instead of saving it for the future)
  6. Accommodating to each another by giving and taking
    (Not to be taken advantage of or to take advantage of him)
  7. Working out the differences in each another
    (Compromise and compromise)
  8. And the list goes on.....
    (I wun know, I'm not married.)

Just the above makes me hair stand at the thought of marriage.

But, I'm willingly to live my life with another person.

To be loved and love unconditionally.

It all boils down to finding the right soul mate in your life.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

La La Land

I'm sleepy, I'm so so so so so sleepy.

Now my initially big nice eyes are starting to resemble slits on my face. Kinda like that (-_-)


I'll nv wake up on time to get to work.

Woke up at seven to get all my CPF stuff done.

I can hardly register any things that I was reading or spoken to me.

Shit.. I'm gonna have to do that everyday! Starting Dec the First.


I better go get myself those type of super loud auntie alarm clocks.
(I doubt my phone will work, I'll just keep pressing the snooze button)

Come on.. Dun smile, All of us do that lor!

La La Land.... I'm coming, wait for me.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Went for Wine with the ladies last night.

Too little time, too little wine. Too much spacing out.


I'm still tired.

Zzzzzzz (My face's gonna be flat on the keyboard soon.)

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, October 23, 2007



I miss Drinking....

I miss the comapny

I miss the fun, the rubbish converation bout anything, everything and nothing.

I miss the games, the random sabotaging.

I miss the atmosphere, the music, the LIVE band.


I can't drink, my gastrics are acting up. My Stomach can't overcome the acidity anymore.

All my drinking kakis went missing in action.

  1. KJ, busy wif work and new friends

  2. SA4, no longer my club.

  3. Menel, Ermmm... Nv was my club

  4. YY and CX, busy with SOP, SOP, SOP, school, projects, their lives.

  5. CC, busy with nothing

Everybody's too tired to talk after work. Random conservation became random silent. Everybody's minds preoccupied with work, school, life, future.

I'm getting too old. Starting to forget how to play liao.

I'm too broke to go to places like Bala, paulaner, IndoChimes, Mhotel for the power power live bands. Why must their drinks be so damn expensive!


Where have my live been?

P.S, it's just grumbles. YY and CX and CC are all still here.

Thanks ladies!

I know we are all busy. Like super busy. I meant only YY and CX.

but U are still there!

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Saturday, October 20, 2007

New Beginning to yet another Chapter of my LIfez

I've finally resigned.
Finally plucked up enough courage to leave my comfort zone.
To leave the environment that I'm so used to.
Mobile trade = Suckie, = Everyday kanna Fark customer, = Confinement in a shop, = Confinement with the same people.
Retail Sales = Shittiest, = Everyday, Hi Can I Help, = Everyday, Troubleshooting of unsolvable software problem.
Assistance Manager = God, = Order Stock, = Kenna scolding by customer, = Kenna screwing by boss, = tons and tons of workload.
NOKIA shop = One Word FARK
To think I stayed in this trade for 4 years.
To think I'm silly enough to think that I'll get somewhere here.
To think that I faithfully serve the same boss.
Finally... All my friends are so happy for me. My family are happy for me.
I finally found a job worth my talent, worth my cert.
CPF ... Office Executive
Truth is, I dun know how's life outside this shop, outside this well that I've confine myself to. I only know how to sell handphones. (-_-)"'
BUT, I'm willing to try. To strive to make a better life.
It may be better or worse. It may be a hundred time worse... But, it's OFFICE HOURS!
Muhahahh, finally I'll get to wear all the nice clothes. All the heels... Go home in time for Dinner with my loved ones. Spend time with my dear bro on Sunday.
It's only a bit of sacrifice to make. Waking early and all. And least, I'm going to have time for myself, for my love ones.
Imagine, in sales line, we work six days week. 11.00 - 9.30.
When I leave home in the morning, I'm forever in a rush. Even I get to talk to my parents, I can afford only 5mins of my time.
When I can home after a day of shit, it's oready 11 past. Who the hell's gonna talk to me! EveryOnes' asleep
My off day? How should I spilt it? My parents? My bro? My friends? My poly buddies? Or MYSELF?
Truth is, I never had enough time for anyone NOT even MYSELF!!
I DESERVE BETTER, my love ones deserve me more.
I've made my choice...
Will U be with me?

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, October 19, 2007

If EvryOne Cares

Nickelback - If Everyone Cared
From underneath the trees, we watch the sky
Confusing stars for satellites
I never dreamed that you'd be mine
But here we are, we're here tonight
Singing Amen, I'm alive
Singing Amen, I'm alive
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
And I'm singing
Amen I...,
I'm alive
Amen I..., I'm alive
And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
Singing Amen I'm alive
Singing Amen I'm alive
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
And as we lie beneath the stars
We realize how small we are
If they could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died.
We'd see the day, we'd see the day
When nobody died

Ultra meaningful song...
And just how true it is....

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, October 15, 2007


My new watch and Bangle!

Nice hor.. Heheheh... I'm so happpy...
(So it's 3Ps, instead of 2)


The photos doesn't do my stuffs any justice.
The actual one looks a lot nice, with like ivory plates and gold trimmings.... :) plus the bangle. it's like pearly pink, purple and ivory.
It's so feminime. So sissy. But I like!
And it's a great buy at ALDO. Cause buy any item and the second item is at 50% discount. Thus the bangle.
But still not really cheap lar. $65 for a non warranty phone. (Warranty onli in NEW YORK!) and $20 for the bangle (After the 50% Discount)
But I like!

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, October 12, 2007

Another Bday

Jeff's Bday!
This is the 3rd bday that I have celebrated with him lor.
Hmm.... How time flies....

See.... He's so XIN FU lor! All the MEI NUs... :)

Mr Jeff Wong aka Buay sai Lim......

My Favourite photo..

Cause I think I look damn CHIO! Wahahahah....

So Bu Yao lian.. Hehx...


Arghhhhhhh..... They actually got together!

It's so weird!

Dun ask me wat happened... -_-"'
I totally have no idea.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, October 1, 2007



Something so precious and fragile about life.

But how many people really appreciated that.
Appreciate the fact that they are still living, breathing in air, surrounded by love ones.

It's so easy to give in to temptations. To hide from reality then face the music.

Question: Would you chose to live for someone else? Or yourself?

To live your life for someone...... How does it really feel? Will ur world actually crumbles down without that person?

I wonder.....

To live your life for yourself..... How does it feels then? Will u become self centered?

I wonder again.


I chose to live for my family. :)

At least, at the end of the day, they'll always be there for me. Always accompanying me.
Walking me through lives's up and down.

From Day 1 that I've made this decision. I never looked back...

And till date I'm still happy.

How bout U?

Wahahha.. Just getting emo.

To: Baby dar:
Work hard for your exams ya!

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide