Saturday, December 8, 2007



Finally it's Sat.


1st week of work lor.

Bish.. I tell U, I'm starting to feel the heat of the work.
Kaoz, everyday, there's nothing but deadline, everything oso urgent, everything oso must record down.

Billions of policys to memorise. Worse, everything is said in short form. Thus, the end result... I'm always the one with the HUH face. (U know, I have this Bimbi look when I dun know wat u r talking bout. Big eyes, confused look. Fark. I really feel like a bimbo.)


Generally, work enviroment is okie. My Team Mates are all okie one. Still early, not to be comfirm yet.


I'm always dead tired after work too!
Mahahaha. 8.30am - 6.00pm....
I ended up half dead. I can't believe I wake up so early everyday.

It must be my luck to met Di. He sends me to work every morning. Plus breakfast. :)
how else can U define good?!

Yo.. I was suppose to meet Xuan last nite one, but hor.... Bish. Di says wanna go JB, then I bo pian. Rejected Xuan.

Ended up, I went home after work, ate, rest , and FALL ASLEEP!

The end results... I just woke up 2hours ago.

And to think I was suppose to be waiting for him. he called me bout 10plus, but think I gave him a too groggy answer, so he LEFT me ALONE to SLEEP!

Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG. Where's my social life?!

:) Best Regards! Muhahaha...

Christmas shopping later......

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, November 26, 2007

Bully of the Century


I'm a big bully.

Poor Fish, tried to challenge my nokia accessories knowledge.

That's when became of him, when he lost the bet with me.


Now He will forever remember that HS-20/AD-41 can be used on NOKIA E65.


Cool Pic Rite?
Heheheh... Taken at Clark Quay's Public toilet.
Muhahahah.. I'm so wu liao.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Sunday, November 18, 2007



We went for FOOD last nite.

Muhahahha... Shiok Shiok lor.

We got like BBQ StringRay, Mussels, KangKong, Cereal Prawns, BBQ chicken wings, satays!

Wa Lau, I was so full that I can hardly walk.

Pity, We were just too hungry plus greedy. Hehehhe.. By the time, we realise that we should take phots, the food was already half gone liao. (-_-)"

Hehehhe... The food is really shiok!

Jeff drove last nite.

Kaoz, super dangerous driver. My face all green by the time I alight.

Hehhehe... Okie lah, actually not that bad. Still new, so he still can't judge very well.

I win him lor. Muhahahha.

We ended the night with bowling and arcade at Marina South. :)

So funny. Kaoz, I'm the lousiest player lor. I can't bowl. AT ALL!


I have to learn the art of compromising. Can anyone teach me?
Poor Di, I'm such a big bully.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Crazed Outing

Outing with the ladies.

Hehehe.. Just some fooling around photos.

(Award Cermony)

(Not very good actors we are)

(Trying to shove my ultra long hair in Chris's mouth)

(YingYi trying her best to act fierce, not too convincing huh?)

(Jeff trying to act atas)

Muhahaha.. We went to Mustafa after the Wine thingy. So funny, They all acted like kids. One busy picking out mushrooms plus eggs, one busy picking up tibits, one busy picking out maggie mee and biscuits, one busy picking up soya bean milk. AND! One busy destroying almost everything, Chocolates, biscuits etc.
End Up

One Full Trolley of stuff. (*_*)"

Miss Xuan trying to steal our stuff. :)

I'll be looking forward to the next outing. :)
P.S. Sry, I was a bit piss that nite at Di, who kept telling me he's tired! (I oready told him, if he's tired, dun come! Come liao kept grumbling, only at me nia) So the next time, it'll be us and the car nia!
I SHALL DRIVE MYSELF! But pls, do me a favour, buy insurance first, put on the safety belt plus bring your N6110 navigator out as well.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, November 12, 2007



I finally got my Hair Extensions Done!
Now I got like like super super long hair!
My dream length! Muhahaha.

My Front View.
(Stomach Level)

My Back View
(It ends nicely at my waist)

I'm so happy.

But it set me back by $80. But it's still cheap lar. It's like $2 per strand.

Muhahaha. Lucky for me, I have damn little hair. So the hairdresser can only manage to squeeze in 40 strands.

But Hor.

It's damn inconvenience, It's damn long!

So it's like all over my face. And it's super difficult to wash, condition and maintains. (*_*)

And it hurts when I accidentally pulled or tug it. Especially at the scalp area.

Cause it's like, when you try to swept the hair away from your face or try to tucked it at the back of your ears, you will accidentally tug at the extended part. (-_-)"


I will overcome everything!

Muhahahah.. No pain, No gain.

I'm just vain. Hehehe.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Picture Personality Test


Just took a picture personality test.

Wonder how they determine it?

Just to share. Do You think it's true?


Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.


You are continually pursuing a simpler and less complicated life - you don't allow yourself to fall victim to all of the "should do's" that society continually bombards you with. You are thoughtful about your life choices and think in terms of yourself, others and the world in which we live. You have a great sense that we are part of something much bigger and we must be good to others, if we want others and the world to be good to us.


You are easily stressed out and overwhelmed - you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Because you tend to be self reflective, you know your limits quite well and must remember to not exceed those limits. When you overwhelm your life with obligations and responsibilities, you tend to shut down and go into yourself even further. Take some time to find your serenity and kick back your feet.

You are a cuddle bug - from a warm hug shared with your best friend to steamy sex with your partner, you enjoy every bit of human contact that you can get. You demonstrate your love for others most fluidly through physical one-on-one contact and you feel the most loved when you are being touched. You feel disconnected when you are physically isolated from others. You're a people person and a lover of all things human.

What say you?

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Nothing much. Photo Updates nia.

Nokia Briefing @ Marriot Hotel

Ladies Nite Out @ HOMEclub

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Miss Procrastinator



It's some stomach virus which attack ur digestive system.

Which... Left me with wobbly legs, a sore ass, and unlimited burping capability.

It's contagious! Fark..

I'm still burping like hell today. (Started yesterday). At least I dun feel like vomiting that much.

Still feel like shitting. At least it stop coming.

Worst part!


Sob, sob..

I kept thinking. "Shit, there goes my clubbing nite which I have been waiting since last week!"

Sucks.. Even if I can go, I can't drink!

I'll be courting my death if I drink..


To Go?

Or Not to Go......


Stupid stomach.....

If only it can stop having the war on it's own.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, November 2, 2007

Sun, Sand and Sea


It was all Sun, Sea and Sun yesterday.

Went to the beach with Xuan. Muhahaha.

We can only consider ourseves lucky cause it didn't rain! Except for a few droplets of rain that lasted less then 10mins, it was the warm, smoothing sun all the way.

Nice place that we went too. KM8 beach bar.

The drinks are within our budget with nice faclities that we can use.

Nice big spacious wooden beds. (It's too small to be called a chair)
Ice cold beer (Heniken submerged in a jug of ice to keep it icy cold)
Wonderful Service (Considering the eye candy that was working there)
Clean toilets (Pity, it was full housed, so we went to the public toilet)

The best part. My wonderful friend. Xuan Xuan.
She's absolutely gorgoues in bikini.
Too bad, I'm not allowed to posted her pics in bikini here.
She'll kill me if I do that.

My and my vain self.

It's so funny, the two of us.
Xuan's kept slattering herself in sun block, while i kept slattering myself with Sun tanning oil.
She's super afraid of the sun lor. Muhahaha.
Actually me too.
We kept appying sun block on our face!
Hehehhe... Ended up...
Me, Slighty tanned plus burnt...
Her, Not tanned at all with patches everywhere! (Muhahah... Must be the uneven sun block she kept smearing herself with)

Issn't this the best way to spend your OFF day? We closed the day with great food at Ajisen. (I was starved) and aimless shopping in town.
That's what I call life. :)

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Sunday, October 28, 2007



Irene's got married!

Just went to her ROM party last night. Not very happening... (*_*)

Probably cause I dun know anyone there.

I was so ENVY lor!

The wedding photos, etc.

Hmmm.... Marriage, Such a scary word.

All you need to get yourself officially married, Book a ROM date, get someone to ali alor some sweet forever. Say I do and sign on the piece of paper.
Ta Da!

U're married!



Can U do it?

To marry, it means the following
  1. To be with that person for the rest of your life.
    (Means seeing him every single day, breathing with him and seeing him everyday)
  2. Living with the person's flaws.
    (Enduring his/her temper, farts, burping, snoring, rubbish habits.)
  3. Trying to get along with all his friends.
    (Essential to accommodating him so he will feel happy that you click with his friends)
  4. Trying to get along with his family
    (Essential to accommodating him so he dun feel like the ham in the sandwich)
  5. Sharing your hard earn money for house, car, children etc.
    (U have to make sure he dun scream at you for buying that expensive Gucci bag instead of saving it for the future)
  6. Accommodating to each another by giving and taking
    (Not to be taken advantage of or to take advantage of him)
  7. Working out the differences in each another
    (Compromise and compromise)
  8. And the list goes on.....
    (I wun know, I'm not married.)

Just the above makes me hair stand at the thought of marriage.

But, I'm willingly to live my life with another person.

To be loved and love unconditionally.

It all boils down to finding the right soul mate in your life.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

La La Land

I'm sleepy, I'm so so so so so sleepy.

Now my initially big nice eyes are starting to resemble slits on my face. Kinda like that (-_-)


I'll nv wake up on time to get to work.

Woke up at seven to get all my CPF stuff done.

I can hardly register any things that I was reading or spoken to me.

Shit.. I'm gonna have to do that everyday! Starting Dec the First.


I better go get myself those type of super loud auntie alarm clocks.
(I doubt my phone will work, I'll just keep pressing the snooze button)

Come on.. Dun smile, All of us do that lor!

La La Land.... I'm coming, wait for me.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Went for Wine with the ladies last night.

Too little time, too little wine. Too much spacing out.


I'm still tired.

Zzzzzzz (My face's gonna be flat on the keyboard soon.)

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, October 23, 2007



I miss Drinking....

I miss the comapny

I miss the fun, the rubbish converation bout anything, everything and nothing.

I miss the games, the random sabotaging.

I miss the atmosphere, the music, the LIVE band.


I can't drink, my gastrics are acting up. My Stomach can't overcome the acidity anymore.

All my drinking kakis went missing in action.

  1. KJ, busy wif work and new friends

  2. SA4, no longer my club.

  3. Menel, Ermmm... Nv was my club

  4. YY and CX, busy with SOP, SOP, SOP, school, projects, their lives.

  5. CC, busy with nothing

Everybody's too tired to talk after work. Random conservation became random silent. Everybody's minds preoccupied with work, school, life, future.

I'm getting too old. Starting to forget how to play liao.

I'm too broke to go to places like Bala, paulaner, IndoChimes, Mhotel for the power power live bands. Why must their drinks be so damn expensive!


Where have my live been?

P.S, it's just grumbles. YY and CX and CC are all still here.

Thanks ladies!

I know we are all busy. Like super busy. I meant only YY and CX.

but U are still there!

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Saturday, October 20, 2007

New Beginning to yet another Chapter of my LIfez

I've finally resigned.
Finally plucked up enough courage to leave my comfort zone.
To leave the environment that I'm so used to.
Mobile trade = Suckie, = Everyday kanna Fark customer, = Confinement in a shop, = Confinement with the same people.
Retail Sales = Shittiest, = Everyday, Hi Can I Help, = Everyday, Troubleshooting of unsolvable software problem.
Assistance Manager = God, = Order Stock, = Kenna scolding by customer, = Kenna screwing by boss, = tons and tons of workload.
NOKIA shop = One Word FARK
To think I stayed in this trade for 4 years.
To think I'm silly enough to think that I'll get somewhere here.
To think that I faithfully serve the same boss.
Finally... All my friends are so happy for me. My family are happy for me.
I finally found a job worth my talent, worth my cert.
CPF ... Office Executive
Truth is, I dun know how's life outside this shop, outside this well that I've confine myself to. I only know how to sell handphones. (-_-)"'
BUT, I'm willing to try. To strive to make a better life.
It may be better or worse. It may be a hundred time worse... But, it's OFFICE HOURS!
Muhahahh, finally I'll get to wear all the nice clothes. All the heels... Go home in time for Dinner with my loved ones. Spend time with my dear bro on Sunday.
It's only a bit of sacrifice to make. Waking early and all. And least, I'm going to have time for myself, for my love ones.
Imagine, in sales line, we work six days week. 11.00 - 9.30.
When I leave home in the morning, I'm forever in a rush. Even I get to talk to my parents, I can afford only 5mins of my time.
When I can home after a day of shit, it's oready 11 past. Who the hell's gonna talk to me! EveryOnes' asleep
My off day? How should I spilt it? My parents? My bro? My friends? My poly buddies? Or MYSELF?
Truth is, I never had enough time for anyone NOT even MYSELF!!
I DESERVE BETTER, my love ones deserve me more.
I've made my choice...
Will U be with me?

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, October 19, 2007

If EvryOne Cares

Nickelback - If Everyone Cared
From underneath the trees, we watch the sky
Confusing stars for satellites
I never dreamed that you'd be mine
But here we are, we're here tonight
Singing Amen, I'm alive
Singing Amen, I'm alive
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
And I'm singing
Amen I...,
I'm alive
Amen I..., I'm alive
And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
Singing Amen I'm alive
Singing Amen I'm alive
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died
And as we lie beneath the stars
We realize how small we are
If they could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died.
We'd see the day, we'd see the day
When nobody died

Ultra meaningful song...
And just how true it is....

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, October 15, 2007


My new watch and Bangle!

Nice hor.. Heheheh... I'm so happpy...
(So it's 3Ps, instead of 2)


The photos doesn't do my stuffs any justice.
The actual one looks a lot nice, with like ivory plates and gold trimmings.... :) plus the bangle. it's like pearly pink, purple and ivory.
It's so feminime. So sissy. But I like!
And it's a great buy at ALDO. Cause buy any item and the second item is at 50% discount. Thus the bangle.
But still not really cheap lar. $65 for a non warranty phone. (Warranty onli in NEW YORK!) and $20 for the bangle (After the 50% Discount)
But I like!

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, October 12, 2007

Another Bday

Jeff's Bday!
This is the 3rd bday that I have celebrated with him lor.
Hmm.... How time flies....

See.... He's so XIN FU lor! All the MEI NUs... :)

Mr Jeff Wong aka Buay sai Lim......

My Favourite photo..

Cause I think I look damn CHIO! Wahahahah....

So Bu Yao lian.. Hehx...


Arghhhhhhh..... They actually got together!

It's so weird!

Dun ask me wat happened... -_-"'
I totally have no idea.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, October 1, 2007



Something so precious and fragile about life.

But how many people really appreciated that.
Appreciate the fact that they are still living, breathing in air, surrounded by love ones.

It's so easy to give in to temptations. To hide from reality then face the music.

Question: Would you chose to live for someone else? Or yourself?

To live your life for someone...... How does it really feel? Will ur world actually crumbles down without that person?

I wonder.....

To live your life for yourself..... How does it feels then? Will u become self centered?

I wonder again.


I chose to live for my family. :)

At least, at the end of the day, they'll always be there for me. Always accompanying me.
Walking me through lives's up and down.

From Day 1 that I've made this decision. I never looked back...

And till date I'm still happy.

How bout U?

Wahahha.. Just getting emo.

To: Baby dar:
Work hard for your exams ya!

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sob Sob


Fark, Fark...

I'm totally stupid. Totally bRAINLESS!

My beloved phone got stolen again!


This's the 2nd phone I lost this year.


Different place, Different ppl, different timing. But the MO is the same!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Left my beloved sissy 6300 (Entirely covered with crystals that I stuck on one by one) in the counter when this piece of shit called me over. Just to ask me one stupid question. "Any DISCOUNT!?"

The Pink Arrows show where the phone were.

See! Now I'm using PAST TENSE!

Somemore, it's underneath the pile of Pink Papers lor!

The next thing, my phone's gone!


It's still on installment! I still have like 3 more months of installment left and the phone's gone! Stolen!

I shall pray hard everyday, every night.

Dear GOD, please make my 6300 drop inside the toilet bowl!

Seriously speaking, I rather have my phone be spoilt, damage to beyond repair, then let some undeserving, totally dishonest freak have it.

With the condition of my phone, it can easily fetch $200 in the black market. :(

Sucks, Sucks. Sucks big time.

Sob. All thanks to Jeff, if not.... I can't even imagine the amount of inconvenience I will face.

The numbers... Arhhhhh.. All my contacts. Heng lor, i have a copy of my contacts in Jeff's Demo phone.

And He rush down to COM centre to take my SIM card for me.

Haiz.. Stupid me, If I dun always leave the phone anywhere. If I'm not that STUPID!


See, now I earned myself a new nickname. Miss LULURIS! -_-"'

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, September 21, 2007



Gez... Been playing around with photoshop recently.

Hahahah.. Check out the wonders it can do!


Sooooo Dark.......


I seriously admit that I still got lotas to learn... :)

Ta Da....
The Art that I'm most please with.
Cause by right the photo damn obscene! One look and U will be able to see my bra so damn clearly.
Lesson Learnt: Never wear a light Pink Bra under knitted tops. -_-"'
See, After the touch up... It's still visible, I know. But that's the best I can do. Hehehe..
I'm very very new to PhotoShop. (Maybe I should look for XiaXue) Hahahhaha...
Talking bout XiaXue,
I finally chanced upon her blog.
K, I admit, I'm damn Sua ku. I heard bout her years back. But I just cannot be bothered. Hahahha.
Very Interesting Blog she have, and very sharp mouth as well.
CheerOs... That's all..

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Check out the Crab!

This is just part of the food that we have enjoyed....

Jealous Right!

Just to List a bit of Our Menu
  1. Prawny Prawns In MarTell
  2. Crabbie Crab
  3. Satay Satay
  4. Otah Otah
  5. Chilli Dogs
  6. Spicy Porkie Pork Chop
  7. Honey Glazed Wings
  8. And Mani More....


As Usual, The Ladies.....

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Friday, September 14, 2007

Miss Tooth Aching


I can't believe how bad my bloody tooth have progressed.




Fark tooth, it's killing me. All thanks to this bloody tooth. First I started eating using just my right side for 1 week.

Now, due to the over usage of my right side jaw. My right side teeth are starting to hurt as well! OMG!


Due to my farking working hours, I'm not able to see a dentist!


Finally drag myself outta of bed at 8.45 today to see the damn dentist.

First, I have to deal with the fuck receptionise who talks as if she owns the clinic. (That'll be another day)
Then I have to wait for the bloody dentist who were late for 45mins!

Gez.... Felt like a idiot. Ended up, I didn't even bother to reply any of the questions that the bitch asked. Except for the occassational Hmmm and Ar.

Finally after waiting for like an entertity, it's my turn. (I cannot afford to lose any time, I gotta open the damn shop. My dear sister took a MC! ) Just how bad can it be right. It's only 2.5hours since I woke up.

Arghhhhhhhh.. After all the poking and knocking on my really bad tooth, the dentist cleared his throat and declared, "There's nothing I can do for U today, ur tooth's really bad. I gotta do a root cannal for u."

The best part, it's gonna cost me $350!

Fark, Fark, Fark! CCB!

And, I gotta come back another day. it's gonna take at least 1hr to fix it.

Sob Sob.. Now I'm really crying... $350! WTF. Nothing he said really matter to me after that.

The only thought I had was, "Shit, gonna wait till pay day. WTF"

After surviving on milo for 2 days, I gotta do it for another 2 weeks!

Just how bad can life be.... JUST BECOS OF A BLOODY TOOTH!

Okie... The only consolation that I had for myself was.. Gez... At least I'll be on diet and get to lose some weight..

See! I'm still trying to make light outta of the situation. -_-'''

Liquid diet!
Fark.. I'll always be hungry and moody.
And the last time I tried this, I landed in the hospital for 3 days due to gastric pain.

See.. I dun really have much of a choice do I?

My bloody mouth aches too much for me to eat properly.
I take at least 1 hour to finish half a meal. (And it's like semi-solid food lor!)
I can never finish eating cause my jaw feel like it's gottas break off.
So I only managed a miserable few mouths.

I give up. pass me the MILO please.

I guess I'll write in and ask MILO to sponsor me.

Wahhhhh...... Sob Sob...

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Thursday, September 13, 2007

School Themed Chalet

As promised...

Chio? Hahahah...

The Sweet 16 Look.. Courtesy of Alson.

(For the Uniform)

As Usual... My dear sis...

She really got the School girl face lor!

Can u imagine the look of disbelief in those ppl face while both of us walked towards the chalet fully claded in the school uniform smoking away? ^^

Di, the guy who treat me like a Princess....

(He made me felt the warmth of being loved, Pity, pity, pity..... )

And his Car... Which I always drove around in. :) It's a mafia wish orh... Dun play play..

Around, the ladies.. Shit, I look like a repeat student.

Got Forced to take picture with him.

Boss say one. "Still friends mah, must talk mah, Come, come, take a photo together"

I was like, Eeeeeee. "Okie mah, we are still friends ar. See.. (So we took the photo together.) I so fake.

Followed by, "Hey! How are you ar! Good?"

Before He could replied, I just turned and walked away.

Sweet Revenge.

At least I'm living life better now that he left.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

School Themed Chalet


Another Bday's party. . . Tonight there's gonna be a chalet. Step and Karena.

Hmmm... Although I have known Step for like at least 4 years. (We've been in the same company since then. 3Gmobile, MobileE, 3Mobile) -_-"

But till now, I never really like her. Hmmm.... Correction, I have never liked her at all.'

Neither do her.


Karena... Hmmm, dun really know her, although we were colleagues. But since coming to Vivo, we manage to talk more.

Cute Girl. At least she's not a backstabber. At least she's not a hypocrite.

So.... Same Bday, 2 different girls, 2 different treatment from me. Got a nice little make up pouch for karena. Ermmm... a sub' present for Step nia.

Hmmmmm...... Wat to do.......

Will upload some photos after tonight. (-,*)

Check out k!

PS. Sorry Dar, I can't get off on Friday to go and support you.....
Jia You k!
Love u to pieces.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Saturday, September 8, 2007

NOKIA Shit Part 2

Scene 1 Act 1

Asst: Hi, Can I help?

Cust: GPS Module? U have it?

Asst: Yup, Sir, here it is... (Show Ctr to display panel)

Cust: Wah! So expensive ar?

Asst: Ermmm... Ya.. (Smile weakly)

Cust: How it works huh?

Asst: By bluetooth Sir.

Cust: How? How?

Asst explains

Cust: Must pay money one rite?

Asst: No Sir, GPS is free, U pay for the maps that u wanna download.

Cust: Points at Asst's breast. (The NOKIA logo on her T-shirt) No lor, Another Nokia person say must pay.

Asst: (Pissed by customer) No Sir, we tried. It's free. We didn't incur any data charge.

Cust: (Move to next to the asst) I wanna try first.

Asst: No Sir, Sorry. Not charged up, cannot try, plus it's indoor. It wun work. (His bloody mouth skinks big time*faints*)

Cust: (In a loud tone, pointing to another staff) He says can one.

Asst: (Bo Pian, must honour) Okie. But it wun wun.

Asst trys fixed in the battery.

Cust: Wrong Side! Wrong Side! U dun know how is it?!

Asst looks up, stare at cust and continue to put in the battery.
(It's not the wrong side. It's correct, it's that idiot who dun know, try to act he knows)
pair up for him and allow him to try.

Cust: Ai Yo, cannot leh. Why? Why it says GPS not avaliable?! (Stands so close to Asst, till Asst backs down to the wall)

Asst felt the super strong urge to puck now. His mouths stinks big Time and Asst can feel his breath down her neck

Asst: (Looking at him as thought he's stupid) Sir! It's INDOOR! Cannot detect GPS satelite signal?

Cust: (Super Pai Say) Like that ar... NVM lor. Ppl tell me other place say at only half ur price.

Walks away.

Asst: (Mutters under her breath) Fucker. Ti Go Pak.

Asst #$%^&**% , unable to carry on smiling, walks out for a smoke to cool herself down....

(If one day I die of Cancer, it will be all these bloody idiots, fuckers' fault. WHAT"S THEIR PROBLEM!)

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Puppy Love


I can't believe this ! My little brother is actually dating a girl!

Gez... Y do kids nowadays grow up so fast????

Ermm... Bro, dun siao siao hor! Underage k!

Love u to pieces.....

Ur Dear Sis....

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Sunday, September 2, 2007

NOKIA Experience Part 2

Nonsense A

Asst: Hi! Can I help?

Cust: (Continue to stare at the display)

Asst: -_-''' (Maybe, cannot hear, In a louder voice) HI! CAN I HELP?!

Cust: (Turn around, stare at the space behind)

Asst: ?! (Maybe Deaf one) Eeeeee... Hi, looking for anything in particular? Maybe I can offer some help?

Cust: (Giving a super irrated expression) No, Just taking a look.

Nonsense B

Cust: Oi, Oi,

Asst: Huh? Yes? Can I help?

Cust: (Pointing to a particular display) This one how much?

Asst: Sry Sir, this model is no longer in sale.

Cust: No Stock ar?

Asst: Ya. No more liao.

Cust: Then how much?

Asst: Sir, it stop production 6 mths ago. So no more valid pricing liao.

Cust: Then how much was it selling before?

Asst: Eeeee, Sir, Sry. I cannot remember.

Cust: (Giving a pissed face) Roughly lah!

Asst: -_-" Bout $300 bah.

Cust: Siao ar. So expensive. I tot u say no more stock liao!

Asst: (Resignated Tone) U ask how much it was selling before mah.

Cust: Kaoz. Answer liao like never answer like that.

Asst: @#$%^&&^%!@@#

Nonsense C

Cust: Excuse me sister, how much is tis, how much how much?

Asst: Sir tis is $358.

Cust: Show me, show me.

Asst: (opens display cupboard to show)

Cust: Show me, show me

Asst: (shows cust everythin in the display)

Cust: Ur price very expensive how come how come?

Asst: Sir, different place different price la. (after showing for 20 over mins)

Cust: Thank you ar, i think i go Mustafa and buy.

Asst: %#^(%)_++##$$%%

Nonsense D

[over the phone]
Ring, ring...

Asst: Hello, Nokia shop. Can i help?

Cust: Hi, i bought the Nokia N73ME 2 days ago from ur shop. N i have some problems with it.

Asst: Wat issit, Sir?

Cust: My phone the light hor, keep on on leh.

Asst: Hmmm sir, which light issit?

Cust: The light la. The phone light lor.

Asst: (??? blur) Eeeee sir which exact light r u talkin about?

Cust: Aiyo, the light la. The phone light!

Asst: Sir can u pls tell me exactly which light issit? Sensor light? Keypad light? Or?

Cust: (sound pissed,in a u r stupid tone) When u press the keypad, the screen will light up. Tat light la! Do u noe wat i'm talkin bout?

Asst: Ya, sir. I noe. (seek consultant's help) Sir, u try to take out the battery then put in again.

Cust: (after a few secs) I try liao. Cannot. Then oso u noe y my batt so fast use up?

Asst: Sir, ur light on 24/7 cfm will low batt de mah. Tis 1 rite i think u gotta go care centre
refresh ur software liao. Think it will solve the problem.

Cust: (in a loud tone) I JUS buy 2 days AGO, u ask ME GO CARE CENTRE!

Asst: (sick n tired of tis cust, decided make him feel stupid) Sir, u buy the phone 2 days ago doesn't mean the phone is manufactured 2 days ago. U noe?

Cust: (in a he's startin to think he's stupid tone) Oh.... Ya hor.... Ok thx ar.

Asst: (^_^)

Nonsense E

Cust: I ask u hor, my phone hor, the battery dun last one lor.

Asst: Hmmm... What model are u holding?

Cust: I dun know lah. Nokia phone lor.

Asst: Ermmmmm... Can u show me the phone?

Cust: (Looking pissed, digs inside her bag for 5mins). Nah. This model. What model?

Asst: Oh. Miss ar. This model hor, cause it's 3G so it drains it's battery faster. Plus the high color resolution display, thus it's battery standby is about 1 to 2 days.

Cust: Where got like that one? Check for me, check for me!

Asst: (T_T) Miss, if u wanna to check hor, must go to the Care Center (Pass her a list of the service centre's address)

Cust: (In a louder tone) U mean u not NOKIA ar! Cannot check meh.

Asst: Sry Miss, here no technician. How to check?

Cust: Huh? Such a little problem and u cannot help me on it. It's just that the battery dun last.

Asst: Ya, I explain to u liao mah. (Wanna Cry liao)

Cust: Whatever. Where's the Care centre?

Asst: Miss, Suntec, blah, blah, blah

Cust: Write down for me.

Asst: (Can only grin the teeth) Miss, u are holding on to the address list

Cust: Whatever. (Stare at the asst and walk out)

Asst: (Not my fault mah. Why scream at me) @#%^$@!@$**&%$

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Totally Confused


Today is the 21 August already.

And I'm supposed to be tendering my resignation soon.

Gez, but I'm feeling so unsettled.

Should I? Should I not.

It seems so wrong to leave now. At this time whereby everyone is putting in 101% effort to make this new company work out.

But if I dun leave, I'll still be unhappy. I have enough of this live.

In the past, it may be due to Gene that I kept myself here. But now that he have chosen to left my live once and for all, nothing seems to be able to keep me here.

It's like, I never felt that I belong here in the first place, It's not my life. Not my crowd.

Ever tried this? You are in a room ful of people, people who you see almost every day. But you just can't help but feel lonely. The fact that those who surround you are the ones who are suppose to be your friends, only manage to make the loneliness feel bottomless.

That's all I feel at every company gathering. At least I dun have to put on a mask in the shop. Me and Chris nia. :)


What should I do...

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Sunday, August 19, 2007


It feels like a hundred years since my last entry.

Hahahah, Just been to lazy to blog recently.
Well, Lottas of stuff happen in this short 1 month.
I got ditched, got to a new outlet, found a new life. How should I put it into words.
Hmmm, things seems to be turning for the better. That's one thing for such.
At least, I'm a lot happier alone now, with just my closest people around supporting me. And I came to realise the sad truth of desperately trying to love someone who doesn't love you.
See, given a choice, would you rather be the one revolving around someone's life. Or be the one to let the person revolves around your life.
In simple terms, would you rather love or be love?
I definitely found my answer after 1 and a half year of shit. I RATHER BE LOVE.
It's a blessing, to be basked in another person love than desperately trying to love someone. It's just too hard to do so.
Guess it's truth, never been there, never done that, never fall before and you will never learn.
All my rubbish Philosophy of life. and love. K, enough of that. Just some photos to share.

Wines. Trying to learn more bout it. Cool place I found. I mean I know it's existense, But never been there till recently.

Cheers..... (*_*) Oppsss...

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Wednesday, June 20, 2007



I hate loan-sharks!

And I hate people who borrow for loan-sharks a hundred times more.

I cannot understand their foolishness to go to that extend. I really can't. Maybe they do have their reasons for doing that, but have they ever think of the consequences before engaging themselves in a never winning battle. They will never be able to clear their debts.

I despise those, especially those who give phony address. F**K.. Do they know how much distress they caused to the innocence. Have they ever thought of these. Only the most selfish and self centered people will do this.

Poor us, If I ever found out who is the f**ker who did that, I'll personally beat him up into a pulp. 24 years into my life, 22 years living in my home, The safest place in the entire world, in the entire universe, now a target for sharks.

Sucks, I'll really kill the person if I ever found him.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Monday, June 18, 2007

New Job

New Chapter to my Life

Aiyo, Been such a wihile since I posted anything.

Busy Busy. New company, lots of new stuff to learn.

Gez.. It's so so so tiring. I only manage to walk out of the shop nighty after 11.00pm. (That's the earliest!)

^^ Went for the first offical company gallery on Gene's Bday eve. Hahha.. Fun, but I'm too tired to have fun. Poor Gene, got so damn drunk. (Courtesy of Alex) Not to forget Ben. Poor Ben, vomitted so much.

Yo.. I was so so so tired. Poor me, slept 2 hours only, then went straight to work. The very same nite, I went to to celbrated Gene's Bday at SA4. I can hardly keep my eyes open. (*_*)

Just some photos for u to see.

Batam Trip with Chris.


Check out Pretty Me!

I just managed to be the biggest sotong that day. I actually tot Batam time was 1hour faster than ours. So We ended up rushing like mad to buy stuff and shop around.

In the end, we rushed to the ferry terminal, got onboard, settle down, totally relax when I heard our names bing called out in indonesia language.

OMG! I tot what happen! In the end, we were told that we are on the ferry at the wrong time! It's only 3.30pm in Batam while our tickets are for 5.30opm!

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... sTUPID. sTUPID, STUPID.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Cutest Doll

That's the new baby that my mum's babysitting.

Is'it she the sweetest thing.

She looks just like a doll. Big blue eyes, with the sweetest smile accompanied by dimples. I can't stop hugging her. ^^

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide


Our gathering last night. ^^

It just happens so that Zed came down to look for us and bingo. ^^

They are really one bunch of fun guys. Zed, Kenneth, Joseph, CaiXuan, Jaiying, Yiying, Chris and me.

Wow, I never been to this place before. It's a little pub opposite of HardRock Cafe. Kinda cozy, not exactly a pub. Hahah. Not that I mind.

The drinks are super cheap. Only $15 a jug for beer, and $16 a jug for housepour. And the food's fantasic! Super yummy yummy chicken wings. Marinated with spices and stuff dripped with their own made chilli sauce. Yum Yum. (Just thinking of it made me hungry)

Imagine how nice it is, the 8 of us polished away one and a half dozen of the chicken wings.

The ladies: ^^ CaiXuan's a bit sick. (that explains why she's so pale) Hahahah.. And she really got bullied by me big time. ^^

The guys.....

Once again.. Our self taken portrait. ^^

Cheers. We shall have more of such gatherings.

Life's Jus A Dreamz, Or Nightmare U decide